SHOOTING MAINTENANCE a) Maintenance Before Usage
Barrel should be cleaned and dried with a clean cotton cloth. Slide should be cleaned than lightly lubricated. Recoil spring and recoil guide should be lubricated
b) Maintenance After Usage
Barrel should be cleaned and lubricated. Slide should be cleaned and lubricated. Recoil spring and recoil guide should be lubricated.


Barrel should be cleaned and lubricated. Slide should be cleaned and lubricated. Recoil spring and recoil guide should be lubricated.


Barrel should be cleaned and lubricated. Slide should be cleaned and lubricated. Recoil spring and recoil guide should be lubricated.


a) Barrel Cleaning And Lubricating
Spray the supplied brush with good grade protective oil. Insert the brush into the barrel from muzzle and scrub the chamber and bore pretty good. Dry bore og the barrel with brush and a clean cotton cloth. Repeat this operation until the cloth takes out cleanly from barrel bore. Clean the barrel locking block with clear and soft cloth which sprayed with protective oil. If it is necessary you can applyoil lightly oil inside of the barrel by passing throgh it a clean cotton patch soaked in protective oil.
b) Slide Cleaning And Lubricating
Clean the slide with a clean cloth or brush soaked in protective oil, paying special attention to breech face and ejector, slide rails and breech face. Drop a few drops of oil around the ejector, firing pin block and sadety lever axle to ensure oil penetration and leave it slightly oily.
c) Recoil Spring And Recoil Spring Guide Rod Lubricating
Lightly oil recoil spring and spring guide with protective oil. After extensive use it might be necessary to clean with the supplied brush and oil.